Monday, August 29, 2011

School is here!!

The same thing happens every year. We have a great summer - fun, travel, pool, general laidbackedness (look it up) then it happens. The kids hit the wall. This year the wall showed up on Tuesday, August 23. From that morning until they walked in the school doors this morning my boys have been fighting. About everything, which is normal, but there's a nastiness that's not usually there. Every day my Beloved would come home and say "What is WRONG with you??" because I morphed into this horrible, snarly, snappy bitch. Again, normal, but there was that nastiness. By Friday I hit my wall and started drinking when he got home. I must say, that helped. When the boys started fighting (about toothpaste, of all things) I was pretty amused. Today they went to school. Thank the Lord. But here's the other thing that happens every year - I'm happy to see them when they come home. That's my favorite part about the first day of school!