Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Rules for children cleaning their bedroom together

Rule the 1st:
There shall be no agreement, under any circumstances, as to the disposition of any object.

Rule the 2nd:
There shall be much exclamation over every object unearthed from the bed.  Comments such as: "Mom's been looking everywhere for this!" and "I wondered what that smell was!" are to be deployed to keep parents alert.

Rule the 3rd:
When working under an adult-imposed deadline care must be taken not to start too early, lest the adult in question relax.

Rule the 4th:
If the threat of progress raises its head play "This Isn't Mine:"
  • The first child should select an item.  Something hard and aerodynamic is preferred.
  • State, loudly and clearly, "THIS ISN'T MINE," and throw the item on the second child's bed.
  • The second child then states, "THIS ISN'T MINE," and returns the volley.
  • Scoring is as follows:
    • 1 point for each successful landing in enemy territory.
    • 3 points for an interception
    • 5 points for landing the item somewhere that requires a hunt (under the bed, etc.)
    • 10 points for chipping a wall
    • 10 points to each player if a parent confiscates the object
    • 30 points to the first child who takes a direct strike to the head (signal this point by screaming "OW" and bursting into tears).  10 bonus points for making your sibling cry before a parent gets to the room.


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